Στέλιος Παπαδάκης
Ο Δρ. Στέλιος Παπαδάκης είναι κοσμήτορας της Σχολής Επιστημών Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας και Καθηγητής στο τμήμα Διοικητικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας.

Αναπληρωτησ καθηγητησ | προεδροσ τμηματοσ
Κώστας Παναγιωτάκης
Είναι πτυχιούχος του Τμήματος Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης (2001), με Μεταπτυχιακό (2003) και Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα (2007) από το ίδιο Τμήμα. Είναι συνεργαζόμενο μέλος ΔΕΠ του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ. Εργάστηκε ως Επισκέπτης Καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης το διάστημα 2008-12.

αναπληρωτης καθηγητης | ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ
Γιώργος Μαστοράκης
Είναι Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής του τμήματος και διευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Επιχειρηματικής Ευφυΐας (e-bi lab) του Ελληνικού Μεσογειακού Πανεπιστημίου. Έχει συγγράψει περισσότερα από 300 ερευνητικά άρθρα σε έγκριτα επιστημονικά περιοδικά, πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων και κεφάλαια βιβλίων.

Γιάννης Κοπανάκης
Είναι πτυχιούχος του Τμήματος Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης, κατέχει μεταπτυχιακό από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Μάντσεστερ και Διδακτορικό τίτλο επίσης από το ίδιο Πανεπιστήμιο.

ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΟΣ καθηγητης
Γιάννης Δημοτίκαλης
Είναι επίκουρος καθηγητής του τμήματος με Δίπλωμα Μηχανικού Παραγωγής & Διοίκησης από το Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης και Διδακτορικό (PhD) από το ίδιο τμήμα.

ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΟΣ καθηγητης
Χρήστος Λεμονάκης
Έλαβε το Δίπλωμα του Μηχανικού Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης από το Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, το πτυχίο των Οικονομικών Επιστημών από το Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, το Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης και το διδακτορικό από το Τμήμα Μηχανικών Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης του Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης.

Μάνος Περακάκης
Απόφοιτος του τμήματος επιστήμης υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου του Essex, με MSc από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Bristol. Εκπόνησε το διδακτορικό του στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Brunel.
University of Lincoln
Dr Dimitrios Vortelinos
University of Portsmouth – Associate Head
Dr Paraskevas Pagas
- Asset pricing and risk modelling, with particular reference to behavioural finance and financial anomalies.
FORTH-ICS – Principal Researcher
Dr George Tzagkarakis
- Scientific data analysis
- financial engineering
Portsmouth Business School
Dr Evangelos Mitrokostas
Evangelos is currently employed by the Hellenic Independent Public Revenue Authority, is teaching at the Hellenic Open University and is a Visiting Research Fellow at Portsmouth Business School. Evangelos has a BSc in Economics, an MSc in Economic Theory and Policy and he holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Organization (University of Crete, 2008). During his Career he has taught at Portsmoyth Business School, UoCrete, UoCyprus and the Hellenic Open University.
- Business Economics
- Regulation Policies and Competition Strategies
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Tourism Economics
PIMCO – Economist-Analyst
Mr Antonios Sangvinatsos
- Asset pricing
- Econometrics
- Fixed Income
- Derivatives
- Corporate Finance
Bizrupt – Co-founder / Director of Foundit
Dr. Konstantinos Vassakis
Dr. Konstantinos Vassakis is Co-founder of Bizrupt and Director of the Foundit entrepreneurship program. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Crete and he is a Scientific Associate at the e-Business Intelligence Lab of HMU.
- big data
- innovation
- management
Regional Development Institute
Dr. Panayiotis Drakakis
Panayiotis Drakakis has a PhD in regional tourism development. His research interests also lie in tourism economics and special interest tourism. He has taught as adjunct teaching staff, and been published in academic journals and conferences.
- regional tourism development
- tourism economics
- sports tourism
Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο – ΣΕΠ
Δρ. Σταύρος Χατζημαρινάκης
Κάτοχος διδακτορικού. Εμπειρογνώμονας στους ΔΛΤ και στη στατιστική στον τουρισμό με πλούσια ερευνητική εμπειρία σε διεθνές, εθνικό και τοπικό επίπεδο κυρίως στη συμβολή του τουρισμού στην παραγωγική δομή και οικονομία. Διδάσκει ως ΣΕΠ στο ΕΑΠ.
- Τουριστική Οικονομική
- Τουριστική Πολιτική
- Στατιστική στο τουρισμό
Panteion University – Associate Professor
Stavros Degiannakis
Dr. Degiannakis research interests are in the areas of energy finance (i.e., oil price modelling and forecasting, trading strategies for oil, ETFs on oil, volatility tradeable assets, big data analysis for energy finance), financial econometrics (i.e. ultra-high frequency modelling, ultra-high frequency algorithmic trading, option pricing, financial markets modelling), applied economics (i.e. nowcasting and forecasting for macroeconomic policy) and market risk management (i.e. prediction models for market risk). His research has been granted with multiple scholarships and awards. He has more than 2500 citations according to google scholar and about 27.000 reads according to research gate. Ideas ranks his research in the top 3% of the world (Top 3% Economists in the Last Ten Years), as well as in the 4th position in Greece based on the research conducted during the last 10 years (https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.greece.html#authors). He has worked for various Universities (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business, Hellenic Open University, University of Central Greece, University of Portsmouth, Bournemouth University etc.) and he has taught statistics, econometrics, time series, big data analysis, finance and quantitative techniques. He has participated in European Central Bank’s Experts Group on Financial Assumptions, in European Commission’s Group of Experts on Economic Forecasts, in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Working Group on Short-Term Economic Prospects. He has also served as senior econometrician or consultant for companies in private and public sector i.e. Economic Chamber of Greece, Inventive, Hellenic Parliament, Bank of Greece, Ministry of Tourism (Director of Minister’s Office), Negotiation Committee for Prices of Medical Devices (President), National Organisation for Health Care Services Provision (Member of the Board of Directors), etc.
- Econometrics
- Statistics
- Finance
Foundation for Research and Technology
Dr. Christos Tzagkarakis
I received the BSc and MSc degrees, with highest distinction, from the Department of Computer Science, University of Crete, Greece, in 2005 (fifth in class) and 2007 (first in class), respectively. I was awarded a PhD degree in Computer Science from the same department in 2014 working on the cross-section of speech processing and machine learning, while in parallel I attended the undergraduate program of the Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, leading to a BSc degree obtained in 2014. Afterwards, I spent my first post-doctoral period at the Circuits and Systems Group of the Delft University of Technology working on (acoustic) signal processing tasks funded by Google and Huawei companies. Since February 2018, I am a Research Associate within the Distributed Computing Systems and Cybersecurity group of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (Institute of Computer Science) affiliated with various European Union funded projects. My research interest and experience covers a broad range of signal and audio processing applications, as well as time-series analysis, Internet of Things and biomedical tasks in light of machine learning/artificial intelligence and data analysis with the outcome of my research and work being reflected in a number of publications in high-impact journals and conferences.
- signal processing
- machine learning
- data analysis
Hack The Box – Head of Product
Dr. Gerasimos Marketos
“Gerasimos Marketos has over 15 years of consulting and product management experience in cyber security, fraud prevention, and analytics.
Currently, he is the Head of Product at Hack The Box, an online platform to test and advance skills in penetration testing and cyber security. Previously, he held business and technical positions in NASDAQ-listed companies and startups in the US and EU.
He holds a Ph.D. degree in mobility analytics from University of Piraeus, Greece (2009). In 2004 he received his Masters degree in Information Systems Engineering from UMIST, UK and, in 2003, his B.S. degree in Informatics from University of Piraeus. He has published over 20 articles in refereed journals, international and national conferences in the areas of spatiotemporal data warehousing and mining.
His mentoring experience includes evaluation of proposals submitted to the MIT Enterprise Forum competitions in Greece (2015, 2019-2020) and Poland (2018-2020).”
- Cybersecurity
ΙΚΕ Μπάτσης
Δρ. Μανώλης Τζουβελέκας
O Μανώλης Τζουβελέκας, είναι οικονομολόγος, διδάκτορας Δημόσιας Διοίκησης. Αντικείμενο της έρευνας του είναι οι συστημικές καινοτομίες η δημόσια καινοτομία, η προβλεπτικότητα, το επιχειρείν, η κοινωνική χρηματοοικονομική, ο σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών κοινωνικής, οικονομικής και περιβαλλοντικής αξίας.
- διοικητική επιστήμη
- κοινωνική καινοτομία
- κοινωνική χρηματοοικονομική
ESCP Business School
Dr. Georgia Makridou
“Dr Georgia Makridou (Georgia) is the Academic Director of the MSc in Energy Management (MEM) at ESCP Business School where she holds the position of Assistant Professor in Energy Management. She is also the Assistant Director of the Energy Management Centre.
Georgia holds a PhD in Energy Economics (Technical University of Crete, Greece) and an MSc in Business Administration (2011) from the School of Production Engineering and Management. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering (2009) from the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Technical University of Crete.
Her principal research interests lie in the field of Energy Economics including issues related to sustainability, energy efficiency, energy derivatives, environmental and energy policy. Her work has been published in international commodity and energy-related Journals (Energy Journal, Energy Policy, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Cleaner Production), and has been presented in recognized conferences worldwide.
Georgia acts as a reviewer for a number of academic journals and has organised numerous international conferences. She is a member of various professional and academic associations such as the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), Financial Engineering and Banking Society (F.E.B.S.) and the Technical Chamber of Greece. She is also the current treasurer of the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (a think-tank focusing on issues related to energy, the environment and the economy).”
- sustainability
- energy economics